WOSM Services is part of the WOSM capacity strengthening cycle. It is designed to ensure that every NSO can access the support it needs to be able to provide great scouting to as many young people as possible. It does this by offering access to self service and tailored in person support to every NSO regardless of their size and location across the world and providing a range of resources to NSO’s from policies, toolkits and guidelines, to e-learning courses and in-person support (both online and through on-site visits), and workshops and trainings. These resources include not only those produced and provided by Scouting at world and regional level, but also NSO best practices and relevant external resources. These service areas expand both in scope and the type of support offered to NSOs over time and support areas within them can change in response to the needs of NSO’s .
The WOSM Service Platform is our one-stop shop to support and strengthen the ability of National Scout Organizations (NSOs) to deliver better Scouting activities and programmes to more young people worldwide. Through this new digital platform, we offer high-quality and effective self service support, guidance and resources via the WOSM Services related to the core areas of Scouting - everything from the Adults in Scouting and Safe from Harm to Good Governance and partnership development. In addition, the platform enables NSOs to request in-person support (both through online work and on-site visits) and also find information about relevant events such as workshops and training.
The platform can be accessed through services.scout.org. Internally, the WOSM Service Platform also helps WOSM to track the services being delivered to the NSOs through each stage of the process from request, through delivery, to evaluation and completion. As a WOSM Consultant, you will have access to the behind the scenes area of the WOSM Service Platform to track the services you are assigned. It is your responsibility to explore the platform and get comfortable with all the features so that you have a clear picture of all that is available, and how things work.
Tip - When you first login to the WOSM Service platform, take a moment to update your profile. An updated profile with your contact information, areas of expertise, and goals set will ensure that others can easily access important and helpful information about you and to begin your journey as a WOSM Consultant. Find out how to update your profile here