How do I know that the vote of my delegation for the elections is kept secret?

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The eVoting system is established to follow the voting protocols set out by the Constitution and Rules of Procedure for each event. These voting protocols include clear stipulation of requiring secret ballots for certain votes (ie for Elections). When a secret vote is opened on the eVoting system, delegations can see that the vote is secret with a special "eye" symbol.


The eVoting system does not capture any data with the secret votes that associates a vote with a specific user. This also means that delegations will be unable to see how they cast their vote after the vote has been confirmed, all they can see is that they have voted. 


Part of the 3rd party testing conducted for the credibility of the eVoting system was to clearly test the secret vote and the database of the system. We very much welcome more technical questions on this matter, so if you wish for more details, please contact us at

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