Having persons in the Directory with appointments within WOSM helps us as an organisation to keep official records of key contact persons and support networking with other Scouting individuals to better support the delivery of Scouting around the world.
All persons listed in the Directory are required to have at least one appointment with WOSM. Some persons may have several appointments either with their NSO, or across different organisations in the Directory like committees and operational structures.
For those with access to the Directory, profiles of persons can be viewed to see important information like which appointments they have and contact information they have made visible.
Searching for persons
The search and filter options can be used to locate a profile of a person that is in the Directory. Special accents, order of the name and spelling needs to be exact for people to appear in the search results. Once a person is identified in the search results, their profile can be selected to view more details.
Managing persons in the Directory
Editing or creating a Person
Editing an existing profile can be done by admins to update information as required.
Not able to edit a person profile
Persons may be in the Directory due to other appointments they have within WOSM, and sometimes these profiles will be associated to another structure level so editing may not be possible with NSO Admin access. If this is the case and an edit needs to be made to the person’s profile, please contact reporting@scout.org.
If a person does not exist in the Directory, then admins can create a new person. Be sure that personal data consent has been obtained according to the local legislation. The general information can be filled out, certain information like the first and last name, organisation, Region and languages are mandatory fields.
It is important to include a contact information for an appointee to allow for networking and receiving relevant communications. Various contact types are available, the most important to include is email.
Receiving communications from WOSM
The directory syncs with our communication lists to receive ScoutPaks and other important communications from WOSM. To ensure the appointee will receive the communications, add an email address, and mark the email address as preferred.
It is possible to select the desired visibility level for each contact type added to the Directory. The options include:
- visible to all with access to the Directory
- visible to World Scout Bureau staff and others in the same Region with access
- visible to World Scout Bureau staff only
Data Privacy
Data privacy is important, before adding any personal data on the Directory please ensure you have obtained consent inline with your local legislation.
Every person in the Directory needs at least one appointment listed on their profile. Add an appointment by selecting the desired standard appointment title, and indicating the email address preferred to use for communications connected to this appointment.
If a relevant appointment title is not listed under “standard title”, please use “other" and specify the title under “English directory title" when adding the appointment.
Official Contacts
The Official Contact check box is for appointees who are the Official Contact with WOSM, typically the International Commissioner. This should be limited to one or two per organisation. Read this article for more information.