Organisation official contacts in the Directory

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General NSO Admins
Each organisation is required to have an official contact with WOSM, this typically is the International Commissioner. Official contacts are indicated with asterisk* on the Directory. 
Official Contacts with WOSM help to ensure requests are directed to the correct people in your organisation, receive communications from WOSM, respond to requests for endorsing individuals for appointments, act as the primary and recognised contact for institutional or other sensitive matters, and are the recognised individual for registering people for certain events.
When contacting an organisation, it is important to ensure that the communication is directed to the Official Contact or that they are at least in copy for their visibility. 

  Exporting official contacts of NSOs

NSO Admins of the Directory can export a list of all Official Contacts of all NSOs and NSAs of WOSM. This export is to support NSOs in connecting with and networking with other organisations. It is important to respect the privacy of this export and only use it for Scouting purposes only.


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