Why is the World Scouting brand being refreshed?

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A “brand refresh” is a process where an organisation updates its brand identity to better reflect its current values, vision, story and experience. It involves making changes to a brand's visuals and narrative to adopt a more modern, engaging, relevant, and cohesive brand image and to position an organisation more effectively.

The World Scouting brand was last updated in 2006-2007 during an extensive and multi-year consultation, development and design process. The Scouting brand is recognised globally, and has been widely adopted and adapted by many National Scout Organizations, but has undergone changes over the years.

This project to refresh the World Scouting brand responds directly to the objective in the World Triennial Plan 2021-24 approved by the World Scout Conference to: “Review and refresh WOSM’s branding and messaging to position itself as the leading educational youth movement through a refreshed visual brand, messaging and adaptation for digital use.”

By refreshing the World Scouting brand, we aim to create a more bold, modern, youthful, and digital brand that will better position and promote Scouting as the world’s most inspiring and inclusive youth movement in line with the priorities of our new Vision and Strategy for Scouting which will guide our Movement for the next decade. 

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